Alright,its being long since i's the end of first week since sch reopen.basically first week was getting back common test result,dun wanna tok abt it,haha...basically a little little disappointed with my results but still i can take some positives and encouragement frm this common test and it will motivate me to study for exams..=D
let me briefly tok abt wad i did this whole week,
mon,went sch for 2hours den had photo taking for cheers thing.went home and slp afterwards coz was pretty tired after watching the match the previous night.
tues,had IS lesson and this time i took Start A Business,its a pretty boring module,the lecturer toks like reading some book to himself,my mind was not in the lesson for the whole of 4hours,luckily i had nice grp members,dan,jiaqi and alan.After theres girls training,after tat went to eat dinner with ethan and wx.
Wed,a long long day in sch..end at 6pm,feel tired and sick,went home.
thursday,had lessons in the morning den afternoon did project in sch and went to money talk.Went to see doc after i go home,i totally feel weak and sick,cant tahan anymore,its quite an irony,i noe the cause of it was becoz of my late night soccer matches but yet i couldnt stop watching,luckily euro 2008 is ending,i wan a full revoery so tat i will be ready for the last lap of race towards exam.
fri,today had lesson at 8am,as usual,8am lesson usually starts at 8.30am for me coz i just cant wake went for lessons,lesson end and went home.
all this are the things done this week,there are some small little details but i'm lazy to elaborate,anyway i need to start gyming soon,prolly will hit gym on the days when my lessons end early...i'm looking at 2times gym a week..hope i can do wad i
alright,weekends are coming,tml is sat and i have no plans.prolly tink abt it later or wad,at most i give myself a break and slack at home the whole week,i seriously need some rest.yep..
stop here..byebye!
i wanna end with a code.
"my reign is here,i feel it coming"=D