This week is the test week,having PJM and ELH test,PJM just ended today and next up is ELH,both are my final test meaning i say bye bye to them after tat.Alright,many happenings since my last post.last week was pretty slack,cant thing of anything significant to blog about,i stayed at home during the weekends hoping to do last min studying for PJM but i end up slacking most of the time,anyway,friday night,jace asked me to play bball,i was quite reluctant at first coz i thought i would spend my time studying den i tink again,its been long since i played,like 1week?so i went to,played with his friends,glad its over,i play like shit,dun wanna tink abt it.
So sat,woke up quite late den watch abit of TV before i start to write notes for the test,wrote like 1 chapter and went to slack again,the process continues till night.
Sun,i pon my lifesaving class to study,but i again end up watching initial
My BM test is coming up in like 3weeks time?my theory book is left untouched,omg!dun wanna failed,the test fee is quite expensive,i came out with a plan to do last min study for the theory,the practical and CPR is easy.haha.after my BM,got to wait for the cert before i can become a part time lifeguard and i'm going to learn till AM before turning over to take the instructor course.Hope everything goes smoothly,if heng i'm going to get a relax examiner,if suay the examiner is going to be very GL.see heng or suay lor.
ok,shall stop here,time for me to take out the notes to study...yea.
some overdue photos
Crazy Nutz 2008..=)