I was bored so i played viwawa dynasty chess.I was in this game with the other guy and just when the game has started,dinner's ready so i thought just end the game with a draw and ask the guy if he agrees but he asked me to resign,i was reluctant since it just started and i could have won,so we play a few more turns den i thought i would just resign but he made a wrong move in the chess game so i knew i was going to win,i ask him for a draw game but he insisted on playing on so i got cocky and told him he's never going to win,i wanted to birng my laptop out to the living room and play while eating,but i forgot it was running on AC and i took the battery out so i took out the plug,in a result my laptop screen went black,i was like WTF??!!...lol..
morale of the story,always be humble,dun assume things until it really happened..it just like watching soccer,no team is guranteed a win frm the start,they have to fight till the end before any winner is decided..
AND...............Liverpool beat chelsea 2days aga on their home GROUND...chelsea are 86games unbeaten at their HOME GROUND and i am very happy we r the one who broke the record...records are always there to be broken so we r the one who broke it....too bad chelsea,u got to start frm square one to build the record again and i reckon u wont be able to do it again...hahaha...