I still rmb clearly on my first day my poly life,year 1,day 1,16th April 2007,8am class,CRM.The initial plan was to meet up with some of the boys and then we head to class together.It turn out that we waited for almost all the boys to reach before heading the class and as expected,we were late on our first day of school.BINGO!happen that the lecturer is quite particular abt punctuality and we were all marked late.i dun rmb who i was sitting with but i do know i feel quite lost at that moment,i wasn't quite sure what the lecturer was talking abt and before i knew anything,we had to do a mini group discussion.Brillant!.Class ended early and we headed to explore some places in np and visit the cca fiesta as well.In the afternoon at 1pm,we then had ELS practical,suppose to be a 3hour lesson but lesson ended in abt 30mins.I went to meet ke after class he was at canteen 2,my block is just beside canteen 3.I had no idea how to do to canteen 2 and at that time,ngee ann seems to big,so my usual instincts tell me to look for a map and i did,i found it beside canteen 3,so i rmb and walk along the road to canteen 2.it took my 15mins to reach canteen.By the time i reached,i was sweating like mad becoz i was also carrying my laptop.I sat down,had my lunch and then went out with ke.It was a slacking first day but it was quite memorable and everything seems so new to me,because ngee ann doesnt feel like a school to me as everyone was wearing different clothing so it was quite interesting..
fast forward to my first real test,the common test.The first module i took in ngee ann was Principle of Law.I had no idea how to study and i just study like how i used to in sec sch.So i went in and took the paper and screw it up.First time in my life i got 20something % for the test...but i learned frm mistakes and slowly i found law real easy and i shouldnt screw up my common test.I also got to learn everyone starts to be competitive abt results.I dun experience this in sec sch becoz my frends normally dun really care abt their results.I didnt bother to compare with anyone too but people who wanted to compete or compare results with me usually wont fare better.So i dun feel the sense of competitiveness.But in poly,the environment setting suddenly got me to realise that results seems to be everything.I dun believe results is everything in life and there are some things whereby the process is much valuable than the result but i cant denied we do everything to achieve results,in work or at sch.
fast foward to exams,i cant rmb wad was my feeling back then but i didnt do well for my first semester,i underestimated the standard,till today,i still regret i didnt do as well in my first sem becoz i feel it is very crucial.After the first sem,i made improvements every semester but the gap was too huge to patch. IF application for uni just looks at the result of ur final sem or even ur 5th sem,i tink i stand a very high chance.However,it is culmulative and we really got to be consistent in our studies.Consistent is the key word and my tuition teacher told me this when i was going to poly,he told me to be consistent in my stuides,i dun believe,i thought everything can be done last min,i have done last min studying all my life and i still manage to make it,so wad makes poly different?But now i realise the importance,not just in studies but in sports or work.let me explain.
In elite sports,everyone has more of less the same ability and standards,it is the one tat can consistency produce the brillance that will make it big in the business.Some ppl play well today and screw up the next day.In tennis,top players like federer play well everything and there are plenty of other players that are very talented as well but they cant produce the same quality every match,as a result,they fall.In soccer,big teams like liverpool or chelsea are able to produce results when it is needed and therefore they are the big teams.
So after the first sem,i pick up wadever lessons there is to learn and went on a race to my 2nd,then 3rd,4th,5th,6th semester.i'm glad i learned alot of experience from these 6 semesters,all the lecturers that thought me were great people and i count myself very lucky.I dunno abt other lecturers but my fyp lecturer was Mr Nicholas Mak,not sure who is he?google it.It was such coincidence and we are his pioneer batch of students.i'm glad i learnt alot from him,not just for fyp sake also things on property as well as suggesting to us interesting topics to research on.He even arrange a BBQ at the end of the fyp for all his fyp groups.
The last and final semester of poly life can be sum up as a race. Constantly racing against deadlines, timelines.I zoom pass it and i hope it can act as a springboard if i had to rush against a similar datelines situation in future.
Okay,enough of my poly life.Recently, i got hook onto social tennis,partly becoz supersports which broadcast so many tennis matches and tournaments, i dun watch tennis in the past becoz i always thought it is very long,a normally 3set match can last up to 3hours.A grandslam 5set match can last up to 5hours,the longest was 7hours i tink.So it is very long,but it is still exciting.everything is kept short,u just need 4points to win a game,first to reach 6games and have a 2game advantage over its opponent will win the set.So every game is played at a very fast pace and at the highest level,it is even more exciting to watch than a soccer match.In soccer,when both teams are too strong,they usually cancel each other out and play defensive.In tennis,if u have 2top players playing against each other,they usually have to come up with some individual brillance to win the game and therefore,it makes it exciting.
I'll show u my 2new tennis gears.

the racquet was bought abt a month ago and the shoe was bought just last week.Tennis is a sports that requires constant funding becoz the overgrip has to be changed every 4 or 5sessions.The balls have to be change every 5 or 6sessions.The strings got to be changed once it loses its tension.Unlike soccer when i just need a pair of boots 9 ppl and i'm ready to play anywhere.Those things that i have mention are not very expensive but that add up as a cost for playing,but as long as i enjoy the sports,i dun tink this figures will mean much to me. From a total noob, not to the game but to the technical stuff abt tennis, i now become much clearer about tennis, it is not just a racquet and the guy, it is much more than tat. Tennis today comes with alot of technology and the racquet producers are constantly looking to invest more technology to suit to demand for it.I personally dun believe in technology, i feel the skill is much more important than having a very good racquet,racquet prolly takes up only 20% of the game.So i bought a racquet that is not very expensive but good enough for me to use.what's more,it was voted as the racquet of choice in 2006 by a worldwide magazine,not too lousy and it is good for me.=)....i also now know how to change an overgrip,i was so so noob i dun even know how to change an overgrip and i got to ask someone to change it for me for the first time,but i observed and learn,as a result my second overgrip was changed by me and i tink i did a better job in changing the overgrip.
I'm going to play tennis at andrew's place tmr morning and then learn driving as my test is coming real soon in the month of MARCH. Gotta stop here,going for dinner and hen playing mj later.=DDD