Just a short little post today.Haven update for so long,year 2 life had started 3weeks ago and today is the start of week 4.Life is as hectic as ever with ccas and assignments,everything is back to square one,year 2 had been pretty much abt project and i found i haven been going to my own blk tat often compared to first year when i would have lessons there everyday,this days its all abt lectures and even if theres tutorial the class is like 1hr only,i think it gives us more time but the focus would be on project meaning is the project is screwd,result will be screwd as well,so i better work on projects.
Ok,moving on,ytd my googles snap when i was swimming,well,time for a new googles,got one frm my coach.Later still got futsal training,i'm at home now slacking,class ended early today so i didnt wan to stay in sch to wait for training so i came home instead.=)
shall stop here with a picture which in my opinion is well taken,first time i felt my photo shooting skills have improved.feel free to comment.

Group of freshies that i took during photography orientation,i'm not inside coz i'm the photographer.=D